Just A-Ridin’

Last September, Lauren and I flew to South Dakota to meet the rest of the Most Interesting Family in the latest installment of our “Tour America” series (see Niagara Falls, Kaiwah Island). We also became vegetarians. But that’s another story. This one’s about our time explorin’ the Mount Rushmore state, chasin’ prairie dogs, and recitin’ the collected works of Charles Badger Clark.

More photos and poetry after the break. Continue reading

Oh Hai!

For Leslie’s 60th birthday the gang surprised her with a long weekend at the Turtle Conservancy in Ojai. Before you ask, it was amazing. Both the celebration and the turtles. We really could have spent a week on the compound, but managed to make ourselves at home in just three short days. In fact, I now consider myself a de facto tour guide after cruising through each and every greenhouse and turtle terrarium on the property. I like turtles.

More Ojai after the break. Continue reading

Maldivian Memories

After late hours editing (and a few more rotoscoping) I’m pumped to share the highlights of our honeymoon. At least the parts that are safe for work. What’s better than waking up, jumping in, and cruising the reef with your wife?

Well, maybe whale sharks. They’re awesome.



They say in the mountains the fish run free. Down by a creek engulfed in rock, trout glisten with hunger in early morning light. Two days and zero fish later, we call bullshit. But who can complain when a Dunn invites us to partake in family tradition?

More fish after the break. Continue reading

The Oregon Trail : Part Two


A van rumbles down the Outback Scenic Byway collecting high desert dust. She flips through stations fighting static. No luck. The fellow travelers offer no distraction, their lifeless bodies slumped in sleep. It has been lonely these three hours. They’re almost there.

Lakeview, Oregon. A place of little fanfare and even less sparkling water. Gravel pops as they pull into the motel. Hot springs will have to wait.

More Oregon Trail after the break. Continue reading



I tend to agree with the photographic philosophy of letting your photos “sit.” I don’t lean them back the La-Z-Boy, peel open a TV dinner and work on their inner spudliness. But i like to let time pass between shooting my images and editing them. In theory the practice removes the excitement of “the moment” and allows for a more objective assessment of the “goodies.” You become lean, mean, and focused on nixing everything in between. Rationale aside, my family would say it’s just an excuse to be lazy. Case in point, Cuba, a killer trip that’s now surfacing after a year of “sitting.” Blame it on the embargo.

More Cuba after the break. Continue reading

Kiawah Island

horshoe head

Continuing our “Tour America” campaign (see Tried and Died), the troupe gathered in South Carolina for a few days of R+R. When you’re part of “The Most Interesting Family In The World,”relaxing beachfront vacation seems tame compared to past forays. How would we fare? What would we do? And what the heck is a Kiawah?

More Kiawah after the break. Continue reading

Frenchie Friday | On The Job

Frenchie_Friday_FinaltitleMy tribe has left me for the West Coast. This cold apartment has gotten a colder. But I take solace in the fact that my pooch is on the job, working long hours to insure the sanity and safety of his Momma. Exemplifying the required qualities of an Emotional Support Animal, he’s a dog born to wear the black and blue.

More Frenchie after the break. Continue reading

Tried and Died

Scan-130908-0003Niagara Falls, eh? Why not? That’s the question we asked ourselves, and when we couldn’t come up with a reason against it, we rounded up our passports and headed on a one-day detour.

More Niagara* after the break… Continue reading

Sand, Sun, and Shark Eggs

Sand, Sun, and Shark Eggs

After much Graham-goading, Lauren finally helped me understand what a good idea it would be to get out of the city for a day. A quick call to Hertz and 2.5 of driving landed at the edge of New York State, finding a climate cooler than we had hoped, but beautiful nonetheless. Starting with our usual touring the Hamptons finest, oohing and ahhing at the once-described “f**koff houses,” we called an audible and decided to continue our journey on to Montauk.

More photos after the break… Continue reading