Frenchie Friday | Washed Up

Frenchie_Friday_FinalWashed UpAfter a surprise visit to the vet this week, we returned home with the knowledge that young Oliver had contracted a rather unpleasant “anaerobic flagellated protozoan parasite.” I’ll spare everyone the boring details, but as I’ve been saying all along, this dog is full of shit. In spite of the off-putting name it’s apparently a pretty easy fix, with part of the recovery demanding daily bathings. While this might be a problem for more cautious canines, Oliver has always LOVED the water, so this week’s Frenchie fix focuses on the little man’s soft spot for soaking.

More Frenchie after the break… Continue reading

Finding Nemo

Finding Nemo

Well this is awkward. It’s 80 degrees outside and I’m posting about a snowstorm that happened 4 months ago. To be fair I have just polished off/developed the black and white roll that held most of these the images, you know how it goes, “never put off till tomorrow what may be done the day after tomorrow just as well.”

Putting posting negligence aside, this California kid had never seen a real snowstorm, so while most of Manhattan was just annoyed, I was frothing at the mouth (with excitement, not that other thing…)

More Nemo after the break…

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Sand, Sun, and Shark Eggs

Sand, Sun, and Shark Eggs

After much Graham-goading, Lauren finally helped me understand what a good idea it would be to get out of the city for a day. A quick call to Hertz and 2.5 of driving landed at the edge of New York State, finding a climate cooler than we had hoped, but beautiful nonetheless. Starting with our usual touring the Hamptons finest, oohing and ahhing at the once-described “f**koff houses,” we called an audible and decided to continue our journey on to Montauk.

More photos after the break… Continue reading

Frenchie Friday | Pooped


Oliver has been going to daycare lately, and he comes back a different dog. The poor kid is wiped, and I mean sleep-of-the-dead wiped. So to commemorate this brief respite from repetitive rough-housing, enjoy a sleepy Frenchie Friday.

More Frenchie after the break… Continue reading

V700 | Sharp Dressed Man


I’ve fallen hard for medium format photography, and as I dive headfirst into this new photographic pursuit, I realized something. Here I am shooting expensive film, on a beautiful (thanks Sarah!) camera, paying for quality development, then scanning the negatives on whatever happened to be lying around. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful to even have access to a scanner capable of digitizing 120 (thanks Rob!), but as often happens in this passion of mine I found myself dreaming of something more.

Read on for some geeky scan comparisons… Continue reading