Outer Banks

We have a rule living in Richmond. Anything within 8hrs driving is fair game. So when we discovered the Outer Banks were a mere 4hrs away, we made a day trip of it. Only later would we realize that the drive on Saturdays is rarely 4hrs, and that rain storms on sand dunes make for interesting experiences.

More Outer Banks after the break.

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Chincoteague Pony Swim

One of the first things I heard about when moving to Virginia was the legendary Chincoteague Pony Swim. Problem is, that’s about all I heard. Few knew anything about the event, and even fewer knew someone who had attended in person. In my head it all went down on some island, far from civilization, where cowboys led wild ponies into the ocean towards greener pastures. Turns out, I wasn’t all that wrong. But just like the folks who told me “you should go!”, my daydreams were simply lacking in details.

More ponies after the break. Continue reading

The Day After

What did we do? That was the name given to the Sunday BBQ after Lauren and I made it official. While the question was rhetorical, it didn’t really matter as the younger generation wasn’t ready to answer morning after, about the night before. Luckily, there’s no better remedy than pulled pork and shenanigans.

More Day After, after the break. Continue reading



I tend to agree with the photographic philosophy of letting your photos “sit.” I don’t lean them back the La-Z-Boy, peel open a TV dinner and work on their inner spudliness. But i like to let time pass between shooting my images and editing them. In theory the practice removes the excitement of “the moment” and allows for a more objective assessment of the “goodies.” You become lean, mean, and focused on nixing everything in between. Rationale aside, my family would say it’s just an excuse to be lazy. Case in point, Cuba, a killer trip that’s now surfacing after a year of “sitting.” Blame it on the embargo.

More Cuba after the break. Continue reading

Kids With Guns

DannyI’m not one for long-term photography projects. It’s not that I’m against them (in fact I envy them), it’s that I haven’t been able to stay committed enough to a single vision or theme. I think it’s amazing when photographers envision a concept, collect images over years, and put together edits that speak to an overarching story. Me on the other hand, I just go out with my camera and take photos of what I find appealing, there’s no rhyme, reason, or agenda. Sure, I have a bunch of folders in my library organized loosely into themes, but each are only a few images deep. I lose interest too quickly, think better of pursuing a certain angle, or lack the confidence to fully develop an idea. But on my weekend walk yesterday I had an encounter that just might change all that.

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titleSomewhere in my infinite Tumblr browsing I stumbled (or tumbld) across a beautiful set of long exposure images. They were black and white shots of carnival rides, with exposures just long enough to blur the lights (but not too long where everything goes psychedelic.) Those images stuck with me, and I decided to see what I could pull off at New York’s finest amusement park…Coney Island. With Winter looming and my window shrinking, I set out late one Sunday night to see what I could find.

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Contact | Richard


Richard was one of the first subjects that I photographed and contacted, after the fact, to share the result of a street portrait. Being my first foray into that whole experience, I was a bit weird while taking the photo, he was a bit weird for taking up half the sidewalk, but his response to my email was the weirdest of  all

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Tribute In Light

Scan-130915-0010It started with a email from Sarah asking if I wanted to partake in a “mini photo expedition,” with the goal of photographing the 9/11 Tribute in Lights. Of course I was in, who did she take me for? Getting excited, I reminded her about my attempt last year, and cautioned against trying to photograph the lights with the Brooklyn Bridge in the foreground by crossing ON the Brooklyn Bridge…that wasn’t my smartest gameplan ever.

Her response was perfect “I don’t want the shot everyone gets. I want something different.”

More Tribute after the break… Continue reading

Tried and Died

Scan-130908-0003Niagara Falls, eh? Why not? That’s the question we asked ourselves, and when we couldn’t come up with a reason against it, we rounded up our passports and headed on a one-day detour.

More Niagara* after the break… Continue reading

Hand Picked and Hand Crafted

Hand Picked and Hand CraftedI’ve been called “The most domesticated 23 year old on the planet,” and I’m convinced that a recent berry picking outing contributed heavily to that notion. Nonetheless, it was a good excuse to jet out of the city for a day, and I knew a few baked goods would be in it for me if I tagged along.

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