The Glenstone

Deep in the backwoods of Travilah, Maryland lies the Glenstone museum. A place that “seamlessly integrates art, architecture, and landscape into a serene and contemplative environment.” It also requires an advanced ticket. Which is free. But sells out months in advance. And is barely mentioned on their website. And thus, was not in our position when we arrived. After three hours of driving. Nevertheless, we persisted. And puckerage subsided once a small quantity of “day of” tickets found their way into our hands.

More Glenstone after the break. Continue reading

Elliott Rose Unterberger

Man. How do you describe the birth of your child? Expletives and emotions come to mind. And tears. Lots and lots of tears. In the four months since Elliott joined our family, I find it hard to travel back. Not because I can’t. Or don’t remember. But because so much has changed, there is so much to look forward to, and I am so thankful to have her in our life.

More Elliott after the break. Continue reading


Continuing the great Unterberger tradition of Great American Three-Day-Weekend vacations, we packed up the pooch and headed to the most income-unequal metro area in the country. Jackson, Wyoming! Snark and snoot aside, we actually went for Yellowstone, but that doesn’t make for good clickbait. Regardless, it far succeeded all expectations. The land was gorgeous, the bagels delicious, and the geysers surprisingly punctual.

More Yellowstone after the break. Continue reading

Frenchie Friday | On The Job

Frenchie_Friday_FinaltitleMy tribe has left me for the West Coast. This cold apartment has gotten a colder. But I take solace in the fact that my pooch is on the job, working long hours to insure the sanity and safety of his Momma. Exemplifying the required qualities of an Emotional Support Animal, he’s a dog born to wear the black and blue.

More Frenchie after the break. Continue reading

V700 | Sharp Dressed Man


I’ve fallen hard for medium format photography, and as I dive headfirst into this new photographic pursuit, I realized something. Here I am shooting expensive film, on a beautiful (thanks Sarah!) camera, paying for quality development, then scanning the negatives on whatever happened to be lying around. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful to even have access to a scanner capable of digitizing 120 (thanks Rob!), but as often happens in this passion of mine I found myself dreaming of something more.

Read on for some geeky scan comparisons… Continue reading

Gotta Think Positive

It comes as no surprise to anyone that I love photography. I love the medium, I love the images, and I love the gear. But the more I learn, the more I need, and the more my mind begins to swirl. I find myself focusing too much on the technical things, worrying about shooting at this aperture or dreaming about that new lens. I know this about myself, I obsess about the things I enjoy, but sometimes I don’t realize how deep the rabbit hole goes until something pulls me out.

Read on…

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