Elliott Rose Unterberger

Man. How do you describe the birth of your child? Expletives and emotions come to mind. And tears. Lots and lots of tears. In the four months since Elliott joined our family, I find it hard to travel back. Not because I can’t. Or don’t remember. But because so much has changed, there is so much to look forward to, and I am so thankful to have her in our life.

More Elliott after the break. Continue reading

Giving Thanks

12Last Thanksgiving, the birds descended on the NY nest for a Crosby cookout. This go-around, we took turkey time back to the Golden state. Splitting time between sets of cousins, pooches, parents, and grandparents, we soaked up the sun and our fair share of gravy. It was the perfect opportunity to test out my new piece of kit, the Contax 645, and I burned through six rolls without batting an eye. Looking back, I probably should have slowed down a bit as more than a few shots turned returned woefully out of focus. But user error aside, when this thing nails it…IT NAILS IT! It’s the keepers and that “look” that really get me going…Gobble Gobble!

More Turkey after the break… Continue reading