A White Christmas

This Christmas past we ventured upstate to spend a few days in the Hillsdale house. It was my first time seeing Sarah and Dan’s epic home, and the first time I’d ever experienced a White Christmas. So naturally, I took an absurd amount of photos of Oliver in the snow. And not in the snow. And looking at farm animals.

More Christmas after the break. Continue reading

Finding Nemo

Finding Nemo

Well this is awkward. It’s 80 degrees outside and I’m posting about a snowstorm that happened 4 months ago. To be fair I have just polished off/developed the black and white roll that held most of these the images, you know how it goes, “never put off till tomorrow what may be done the day after tomorrow just as well.”

Putting posting negligence aside, this California kid had never seen a real snowstorm, so while most of Manhattan was just annoyed, I was frothing at the mouth (with excitement, not that other thing…)

More Nemo after the break…

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