Kiawah Island

horshoe head

Continuing our “Tour America” campaign (see Tried and Died), the troupe gathered in South Carolina for a few days of R+R. When you’re part of “The Most Interesting Family In The World,”relaxing beachfront vacation seems tame compared to past forays. How would we fare? What would we do? And what the heck is a Kiawah?

More Kiawah after the break.

Much to Ansley’s chagrin, the trip started with a raucous tour of a southern plantation. Much to Dad’s chagrin, said plantation charged $25 per head. And much to Mom’s chagrin, we gave her copious amounts of shit for suggesting it. The Boone plantation, however, ended up being a really good time not only because of its insane beauty, but also because we couldn’t stop making terrible jokes about it.




From there we continued into the heart of Charleston to meet up with hometown hero Trent. A veritable celebrity, Trent seemed to know every good looking male and female we crossed paths with, so if the degree nonsense doesn’t work out there’s definitely a place for him in hospitality. I didn’t document much of downtown, or Trent for that matter, but my BIGGEST regret was missing out on the highest grossing CVS in the country.


The rest of the trip was spent in the saddle, the sun, or both. The beach was totally different from the version at home. Hard enough to ride bikes on, and plastered with all forms of strange sea life. We abused both attributes, spent the days riding up and down the island, and the evenings lounging by water.





horshoe head














6 thoughts on “Kiawah Island

  1. I love this post!! Great photos as always. The horse shoe crabs definitely steal the show! I just thought of something though… we didn’t have a theme song!! What a tragedy.

  2. Of course I loved this post. I actually LOL-ed when I read about the Plantation crap. So true. I have a few favorite pictures though. One is the one of Annie splashing in the surf. The color and depth of the photo is captivating. Two is of Lauren in the pool just peeking out with her eyes and the third is Dad and I on the bikes (I guess there are 4 because I love the four of us Lauren took too).
    Again, there is something wonderful about how deep (Is that the right word?) or almost 3D these pictures are. LOVE it!

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