The Day After

What did we do? That was the name given to the Sunday BBQ after Lauren and I made it official. While the question was rhetorical, it didn’t really matter as the younger generation wasn’t ready to answer morning after, about the night before. Luckily, there’s no better remedy than pulled pork and shenanigans.

More Day After, after the break. Continue reading

Maldivian Memories

After late hours editing (and a few more rotoscoping) I’m pumped to share the highlights of our honeymoon. At least the parts that are safe for work. What’s better than waking up, jumping in, and cruising the reef with your wife?

Well, maybe whale sharks. They’re awesome.

Stingray Shuffle


I used to pray for waves. Then I bought a Nikonos. Don’t get me wrong, a long day of surf beats almost anything out there. It’s just green flags don’t spell doom anymore. Lake Laguna means I get to break out my diving buddy, and there’s something so appealing about this camera. You want to hold it, shoot it, generally drool over it (which you can, cause it’s waterproof). Remember those dinky disposable cameras they sell in Hawaiian gift shops? Remember daydreaming about shots that may or may not come out? This thing is that damn exciting, except you end up taking decent pictures.

More Nikonos after the break. Continue reading



If you’ve seen Rockaways Rewrite, you’ll know about Kris and his beard. What you don’t know is what took place after I took his portrait. The thing went viral. Ok not viral, but it was at least contagious.

More explanation and CONTACT after the break.
Continue reading

Kiawah Island

horshoe head

Continuing our “Tour America” campaign (see Tried and Died), the troupe gathered in South Carolina for a few days of R+R. When you’re part of “The Most Interesting Family In The World,”relaxing beachfront vacation seems tame compared to past forays. How would we fare? What would we do? And what the heck is a Kiawah?

More Kiawah after the break. Continue reading

Tried and Died

Scan-130908-0003Niagara Falls, eh? Why not? That’s the question we asked ourselves, and when we couldn’t come up with a reason against it, we rounded up our passports and headed on a one-day detour.

More Niagara* after the break… Continue reading

Can We Talk?

Can We Talk?Though it was a wedding that brought our clan to Oregon, I think we’d all agree that it was the time spent at Hartung Farms that defined the trip. It’s an amazing spot and welcome retreat from the concrete sprawl, full of wonderful things and even more wonderful people. Thankfully, our hosts put up with our pool intrusions, even throwing some burgs on the grill without a second thought. After all the splashing about it was hard to say goodbye, but we left the compound en route for Salem, not knowing that we had just experienced the calm before the (literal) storm…

More Oregon after the break… Continue reading


KunuIn honor of the little one going back to school, and consequently leaving school three days later to come back to us, I present to you the Compendium of Kanooks, the Annals of Ansley, or more practically…the Facebook Prof-Pick Pool. All kidding aside, I’ve realized that I have done a bad job of posting the photos of my recent trips back to California, but a GREAT job of hoarding them all to myself. I tend to atone for my sharing sins starting with this post, a showcase of a sister who’s learned to cope with my incessant demands of “stand still” or “lean into the light.” Kunu, this one’s for you.

More Ansley after the break… Continue reading

Frenchie Friday | Washed Up

Frenchie_Friday_FinalWashed UpAfter a surprise visit to the vet this week, we returned home with the knowledge that young Oliver had contracted a rather unpleasant “anaerobic flagellated protozoan parasite.” I’ll spare everyone the boring details, but as I’ve been saying all along, this dog is full of shit. In spite of the off-putting name it’s apparently a pretty easy fix, with part of the recovery demanding daily bathings. While this might be a problem for more cautious canines, Oliver has always LOVED the water, so this week’s Frenchie fix focuses on the little man’s soft spot for soaking.

More Frenchie after the break… Continue reading