

I tend to agree with the photographic philosophy of letting your photos “sit.” I don’t lean them back the La-Z-Boy, peel open a TV dinner and work on their inner spudliness. But i like to let time pass between shooting my images and editing them. In theory the practice removes the excitement of “the moment” and allows for a more objective assessment of the “goodies.” You become lean, mean, and focused on nixing everything in between. Rationale aside, my family would say it’s just an excuse to be lazy. Case in point, Cuba, a killer trip that’s now surfacing after a year of “sitting.” Blame it on the embargo.

More Cuba after the break. Continue reading

I Am Thankful For…Part Duex

I present to you the second installment of a Thanksgiving double header, and I am so crazy STOKED on these portraits. After shooting these, I can totally see why people fall in love with studio shoots and controlled lighting, and even though we had to improvise with janky hotel light fixtures these might be some of my all time favorite photos. There must be something about Thanksgiving (I loved I took the photos from last thanksgiving as well), that or it must be something about my INSANELY EPIC FAMILY.

More portraits after the break… Continue reading

I Am Thankful For…

Oh what a Thanksgiving it was! In fact, the holiday was so EPIC that I have been forced to break up the festivus into two separate blog posts, with the version you are now reading chronicling the feast itself. After days of preparation and supply gathering, the women descended on 7S the morning of the 22nd with a unified goal. With each minding her own specialty, a bounteous banquet was hand crafted around a 19-pound poultry centerpiece. At the stroke of 4pm, the clan enlisted a taxicab caravan down to 79 Crosby street, a dangerous voyage no doubt, but one that would be rewarded with spoils, spaciousness, and salaciousness…well not really that last part, that would be weird.

More story and images after the break… Continue reading