Swing Away


Now we can’t play ball no more. With the squad on bye week I thought it appropriate to post memories from our first two seasons. Hopefully it’ll encourage some, I’ll say shy, members of the team to get in front of the lens next time. Remember kids. There’s heroes and there’s legends. Heroes get remembered, but legends never die.

More softball after the break. Continue reading

Maldivian Memories

After late hours editing (and a few more rotoscoping) I’m pumped to share the highlights of our honeymoon. At least the parts that are safe for work. What’s better than waking up, jumping in, and cruising the reef with your wife?

Well, maybe whale sharks. They’re awesome.


titleSomewhere in my infinite Tumblr browsing I stumbled (or tumbld) across a beautiful set of long exposure images. They were black and white shots of carnival rides, with exposures just long enough to blur the lights (but not too long where everything goes psychedelic.) Those images stuck with me, and I decided to see what I could pull off at New York’s finest amusement park…Coney Island. With Winter looming and my window shrinking, I set out late one Sunday night to see what I could find.

More Coney after the break… Continue reading

Tribute In Light

Scan-130915-0010It started with a email from Sarah asking if I wanted to partake in a “mini photo expedition,” with the goal of photographing the 9/11 Tribute in Lights. Of course I was in, who did she take me for? Getting excited, I reminded her about my attempt last year, and cautioned against trying to photograph the lights with the Brooklyn Bridge in the foreground by crossing ON the Brooklyn Bridge…that wasn’t my smartest gameplan ever.

Her response was perfect “I don’t want the shot everyone gets. I want something different.”

More Tribute after the break… Continue reading