I Married My Sister

No. This post is not promoting incest. Though I did marry my brother too. In fact, Sarah and Dan asked if I might officiate their wedding, and I was honored to do so. A few weeks later this ordination confirmation from The United Life Church lands in my inbox. “Impress your friends, family, and peers with your new official status!” Needless to say, impress I did, and also managed to document a few moments along the way.

More wedding after the break. Continue reading

The Day After

What did we do? That was the name given to the Sunday BBQ after Lauren and I made it official. While the question was rhetorical, it didn’t really matter as the younger generation wasn’t ready to answer morning after, about the night before. Luckily, there’s no better remedy than pulled pork and shenanigans.

More Day After, after the break. Continue reading


I don’t often take selfies. But when I do, I get married shortly thereafter. Six months have passed since I took this photo and the emotions are still there. In fact, I had to stop writing this post just to sit in memories (which was a bit awkward as I’m currently on a plane filled with 300 of my closest friends). Now, we’ve all seen the beautiful work that Jean-Laurent captured, so I won’t try to reproduce what some have deemed “the most photographed wedding ever.” What I will do is share the few frames I managed to capture that day, and the thoughts that went through my mind. Hope you enjoy them as much as I still do.

More after the break.

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So. Many. Activities. For four glorious days six boys descended on one Montana cabin and found all sorts of ways to entertain themselves. Wake surfing. Hatchet throwing. Fly fishing. Beer Die. Mountain biking. Hatchet throwing. Everything became a competition, and this bachelor-no-more took home the ultimate prize. Memories. That and the most wins of the weekend.

More bachelor party after the break. Continue reading

Can We Talk?

Can We Talk?Though it was a wedding that brought our clan to Oregon, I think we’d all agree that it was the time spent at Hartung Farms that defined the trip. It’s an amazing spot and welcome retreat from the concrete sprawl, full of wonderful things and even more wonderful people. Thankfully, our hosts put up with our pool intrusions, even throwing some burgs on the grill without a second thought. After all the splashing about it was hard to say goodbye, but we left the compound en route for Salem, not knowing that we had just experienced the calm before the (literal) storm…

More Oregon after the break… Continue reading

Marriagebooth Monopolizers


I’m not sure how these have yet to make it on the blog, but it’s about damn time. Let’s just say that this version of Unterbergers know how to run a photo booth, even if it’s at the expense of other newlywed Unterbergers. So what if we hoarded the props and prints, and who cares if the attendants had to revoke our privileges, we made our presence known ‘CAUSE THIS AIN”T OUR FIRST RODEO.

More tom foolery after the break… Continue reading