Maldivian Memories

After late hours editing (and a few more rotoscoping) I’m pumped to share the highlights of our honeymoon. At least the parts that are safe for work. What’s better than waking up, jumping in, and cruising the reef with your wife?

Well, maybe whale sharks. They’re awesome.

Stingray Shuffle


I used to pray for waves. Then I bought a Nikonos. Don’t get me wrong, a long day of surf beats almost anything out there. It’s just green flags don’t spell doom anymore. Lake Laguna means I get to break out my diving buddy, and there’s something so appealing about this camera. You want to hold it, shoot it, generally drool over it (which you can, cause it’s waterproof). Remember those dinky disposable cameras they sell in Hawaiian gift shops? Remember daydreaming about shots that may or may not come out? This thing is that damn exciting, except you end up taking decent pictures.

More Nikonos after the break. Continue reading