
KunuIn honor of the little one going back to school, and consequently leaving school three days later to come back to us, I present to you the Compendium of Kanooks, the Annals of Ansley, or more practically…the Facebook Prof-Pick Pool. All kidding aside, I’ve realized that I have done a bad job of posting the photos of my recent trips back to California, but a GREAT job of hoarding them all to myself. I tend to atone for my sharing sins starting with this post, a showcase of a sister who’s learned to cope with my incessant demands of “stand still” or “lean into the light.” Kunu, this one’s for you.

More Ansley after the break… Continue reading

Frenchie Friday | French Kiss


Lock lips, swap spit, box tonsils, suck face. Whatever you call it, Oliver does it, so come check out the many samples of smooch the lil guy doles out.

More Frenchie after the break… Continue reading

Frenchie Friday | Sleeping Beauty

Frenchie_Friday_FinalSleeping Beauty

With our boy Oli, there are only two modus operandi. Unstoppable terror or sleeping beauty. Here are glimpses of the latter, an incredibly rare sight for the occasional visitor, but a respite of tranquility for his owners.

More Frenchie after the break. Continue reading