Georgia on my mind

Due to the familial popularity of my last post, I just had to follow it up with another graduation extravaganza (not that I wasn’t going to do this anyway…but that’s beside the point.) The night started with a perfect dinner complete with homemade Ansleyism statues created by the great MOMMA. The gang (including a surprise visit from the Chloe-mo) then filed into the Pageant of the Masters and triumphantly found their “pre-reserved” seats in prime viewing position. The emotions immediately overflowed, and that’s partly due to the fact that Annie’s graduation was more entertaining/exciting/eventful that both Lauren and mine combined. After Mr. Todd’s top ten list and Ansley’s successful stage crossing, we elbowed our way to an open spot to snap off some matching graduate photos. Sadly, I do not have those photos, BUT I HAVE THESE!

More photos after the break… Continue reading