The Reason For The Season


A story of resurrection. No, not one with a bearded dude coming out of the ground for extra nights of partying, but rather a story of photographic redemption. It goes a little something like this…

There’s a poem after the break (how’s that for a tease?) Continue reading

The 4th


New rule. It is OK to do a late holiday post, as long as said post goes up on another holiday. The logic is sound, and I’m sticking to it. Today we flashback two months to our nation’s independence, and what has now become the traditional pooch-pool-party.

More images after the break. Continue reading

Frenchie Friday | Pool, Park, Pounce

Frenchie_Friday_FinaltitleNow that Oliver is a part of the family, naturally he’s also part of the family trips. So for Fourth of July, we slapped on the service vest and hauled him along for a journey out west. Little did the the little guy know what type activities were in store, if he did he would have asked to come sooner

More Frenchie after the break… Continue reading


KunuIn honor of the little one going back to school, and consequently leaving school three days later to come back to us, I present to you the Compendium of Kanooks, the Annals of Ansley, or more practically…the Facebook Prof-Pick Pool. All kidding aside, I’ve realized that I have done a bad job of posting the photos of my recent trips back to California, but a GREAT job of hoarding them all to myself. I tend to atone for my sharing sins starting with this post, a showcase of a sister who’s learned to cope with my incessant demands of “stand still” or “lean into the light.” Kunu, this one’s for you.

More Ansley after the break… Continue reading

Georgia on my mind

Due to the familial popularity of my last post, I just had to follow it up with another graduation extravaganza (not that I wasn’t going to do this anyway…but that’s beside the point.) The night started with a perfect dinner complete with homemade Ansleyism statues created by the great MOMMA. The gang (including a surprise visit from the Chloe-mo) then filed into the Pageant of the Masters and triumphantly found their “pre-reserved” seats in prime viewing position. The emotions immediately overflowed, and that’s partly due to the fact that Annie’s graduation was more entertaining/exciting/eventful that both Lauren and mine combined. After Mr. Todd’s top ten list and Ansley’s successful stage crossing, we elbowed our way to an open spot to snap off some matching graduate photos. Sadly, I do not have those photos, BUT I HAVE THESE!

More photos after the break… Continue reading

Balls of Fury

Watching the Olympics tonight made me realize that I had some old photos in the archives that document the holiest of holy Olympic competitions…PING PONG! While fierce young guns duked it out under the midday heat, a grizzled veteran re-entered the fray, returning to the sport he had forsaken so many years ago. The mama was on hand to officiate the proceedings, and the rocks were slobbery as Zorro maintained order.

More images after the break… Continue reading

Ginger Bread

Last night the crew decided to bust out the year-old Ginger Bread kit and give it new life. Being a terrible baker/maker/ginger bread breaker, I took the opportunity to abstain from the process and instead document the ordeal with my new FUJI! It took some getting used to, but I think the images speak to the quality of the camera, especially when you consider each is a JPEG straight out of camera with no post. As a bonus, the team managed to crank out some gorgeous designs, but a completed house is yet to come…

More images after the break… Continue reading