The Reason For The Season


A story of resurrection. No, not one with a bearded dude coming out of the ground for extra nights of partying, but rather a story of photographic redemption. It goes a little something like this…

There’s a poem after the break (how’s that for a tease?) Continue reading

Twenty FORE

Twenty FORE

Ok, so the title is a bit misleading, but it was too good to pass up. We spent the special day shanking balls into the Hudson, channeling our inner Gilmore, squishing astro-turf between our toes, and LOVING every second of it. And though a certain someone’s golden birthday has come and gone, I’m still thinking about the AWESOME time we were spent together, and of all the great people who sent their love.

More Images (and a surprise set) after the break… Continue reading

Santa Cruzin

Santa CruzinA few weekends ago, we had the pleasure of returning to Seabright Ave, a trip not traveled enough in recent memory. It was amazing to spend a relaxing (if not short) weekend at Grandma’s, mostly spent lounging in the backyard, but sprinkled with necessary visits to such classics as the Boardwalk Bridge, Seabright Whale, and of course the Wharf. Being the weirdo that I am, I agonized about what gear to bring before making the trip, and at the last moment called an audible and threw my newly converted Polaroid 110a into the bag. I’m so happy I did, it was awesome to be able to shoot and share with the group, and I was consistently stunned with the beautiful output. The scans just don’t do them justice (though Ansley’s insightful titles might), and hopefully one of these puppies will be honored with a spot on Grandma’s fridge someday.

More images after the break… Continue reading

Polaroid 110a Conversion

Polaroid 110a ConversionIt all started with this. I had never seen anything like, and I had to have it.

The seed was planted, I’d caught the bug, I was painfully coming to grips with the fact that I couldn’t escape purchasing yet another camera. The only problem was, that version was $850.

After pulling an all night research session, I discovered that with a little know how and the right disposition, one could make a beast like this for themselves. I reasoned with myself, this purchase was different, it’s a project; A DIY creation that means more than any of your other meaningless ebay snap-ups. Plus, I’ve always had a thing for bellows (yes, that was intentionally meant to creep you out.) So it was settled, and the auction prowling began. Biding my time like a seasoned veteran, I let unworthy listings pass with reckless abandon. I had done my research, I knew what I wanted and for how much I was going to get it. After three weeks of uncharacteristic patience, the deal was done, and a beautiful Polaroid Pathfinder 110a arrived at 7S. Cradling my new baby, it glistening in my arms with a renewed lease on life, I couldn’t help but think about how I was about to f**k that thing up…

Read on for more Polaroid conversion…

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