Are You GLAM Enough?


If you haven’t already heard, I’m kind of a big deal. And being the bid deal that I am, I was cordially invited by Glamour magazine to come model for their upcoming February issue. OK, so maybe they were running a feature on Glamour employees and their boyfriends, and maybe they were more enamored with Oliver than I, but either way I ended up within the pages of a nationally circulated magazine. As it turned out, they only needed Oliver and I for about 10 minutes, while the rest of the time we kicked back and watched Lauren work it better than Hansel on a razor. If you have the chance, take a peek inside this month’s issue, just do yourself a favor and jump to page 62.

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It’s Saint Nick In A Box

                It's Saint Nick In a Box

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house…well, you know how that old crap goes. Contrary to what the jingle might suggest, on this Christ’s  un-birthday we creatures WERE stirring, As merry models stepped out from the strobes to stand behind the camera, with digital and analog blending worse than week-old eggnog, a glorious catalog of Christmas cavorting came to life. Yet now that Christmas time has come and gone, a question still lingers, where you naughty or were you nice? The jury is out on this crew, but one thing is for certain, we certainly gave the Thanksgiving Post a run for its money. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS!

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Foxy Friday

Foxy Friday

Foxy Friday

What’s this, Frenchie Friday has been hacked!? In honor of our impending trip back home, I have dedicated this Friday’s post to her fatness, the eternally voluptuous Foxy Cleopatra. And in true Foxy form, almost all of the photos are of her lounging

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Afternoon Sun

Frenchie_Friday_FinalMoving from California to New York, I have come to realize that sunlight is something I have taken for granted. But every so often, in the waning moments of the late afternoon, friendly  rays slip into the apartment to creep across the floors of 7S. Oli seems to enjoy basking in the temporary glow, and I enjoy documenting his happiness.

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Cars, Coffee, and Ferrets…

Ya I was jetlagged, ya it was early, but ya you’re damn right I rallied just 4 hours after touching down in LA to head over to Irvine Spectrum to check out the monthly car show with Robly in tow. The goods were out on display, and the variety of mufflers and mullets was gosh darn impressive. Sure there were Ferraris, Maseratis, Lamborghinis, and Teeny Weenies, but it was the revamped classics that stole my heart. Despite the candy apple reds and fluorescent greens, I couldn’t help myself from seeing in black and white, highlighting vintage lines to place these automotive classics back in the era in which they belong. Oh ya, and there was a f***ing ferret…how’s that for a hook.

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Green with Emory

“I’m going to tell you something to tell your sister…and its going to sound cold, and harsh.” His silky voice had our full attention, and he knew it. Lauren and I  leaned forward in eager anticipation, the pleather towncar interior breaking the  silence with awkward squealing. “You……..Are in Georgia Now.” I still have no idea what he meant (and I’m pretty sure he was a reincarnated version of James Earl Jones as the blind beast owner in The Sandlot), but the vexing advice kicked off an awesome move-in weekend and the first taste of college for Ansley and company.

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Lions and Tigers and Bears…

A sign reads “Once, bears, lions, monkeys, macaws, goats, elephants, reptiles, and turtles, among others, lived here and the sounds of their growls, roars, calls, and clamor filled this canyon. Although these historic enclosures are no longer appropriate for housing animals, they can be home to memories…” Truly a memory of a bygone era, the “Old Zoo” juxtaposes cramped bare metal cages,  looming bear caverns, and concealed concrete enclosures. As I walked through the abandoned relic at dusk, I found myself imagining the animals that used to call this place home, and the eerie stillness filling the gully did wonders to enhance the mood. Slipping through the fence to explore the neglected cages, I was amazed that these barbaric confines were once the modern standard, as I felt cramped and just couldn’t imagine how a 700lb polar bear would manage. It was an awesome experience to finally visit this LA secret, and I hope the photos capture some its character.

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Georgia on my mind

Due to the familial popularity of my last post, I just had to follow it up with another graduation extravaganza (not that I wasn’t going to do this anyway…but that’s beside the point.) The night started with a perfect dinner complete with homemade Ansleyism statues created by the great MOMMA. The gang (including a surprise visit from the Chloe-mo) then filed into the Pageant of the Masters and triumphantly found their “pre-reserved” seats in prime viewing position. The emotions immediately overflowed, and that’s partly due to the fact that Annie’s graduation was more entertaining/exciting/eventful that both Lauren and mine combined. After Mr. Todd’s top ten list and Ansley’s successful stage crossing, we elbowed our way to an open spot to snap off some matching graduate photos. Sadly, I do not have those photos, BUT I HAVE THESE!

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Ginger Bread

Last night the crew decided to bust out the year-old Ginger Bread kit and give it new life. Being a terrible baker/maker/ginger bread breaker, I took the opportunity to abstain from the process and instead document the ordeal with my new FUJI! It took some getting used to, but I think the images speak to the quality of the camera, especially when you consider each is a JPEG straight out of camera with no post. As a bonus, the team managed to crank out some gorgeous designs, but a completed house is yet to come…

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