Frenchie Friday | Pool, Park, Pounce

Frenchie_Friday_FinaltitleNow that Oliver is a part of the family, naturally he’s also part of the family trips. So for Fourth of July, we slapped on the service vest and hauled him along for a journey out west. Little did the the little guy know what type activities were in store, if he did he would have asked to come sooner

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KunuIn honor of the little one going back to school, and consequently leaving school three days later to come back to us, I present to you the Compendium of Kanooks, the Annals of Ansley, or more practically…the Facebook Prof-Pick Pool. All kidding aside, I’ve realized that I have done a bad job of posting the photos of my recent trips back to California, but a GREAT job of hoarding them all to myself. I tend to atone for my sharing sins starting with this post, a showcase of a sister who’s learned to cope with my incessant demands of “stand still” or “lean into the light.” Kunu, this one’s for you.

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Santa Cruzin

Santa CruzinA few weekends ago, we had the pleasure of returning to Seabright Ave, a trip not traveled enough in recent memory. It was amazing to spend a relaxing (if not short) weekend at Grandma’s, mostly spent lounging in the backyard, but sprinkled with necessary visits to such classics as the Boardwalk Bridge, Seabright Whale, and of course the Wharf. Being the weirdo that I am, I agonized about what gear to bring before making the trip, and at the last moment called an audible and threw my newly converted Polaroid 110a into the bag. I’m so happy I did, it was awesome to be able to shoot and share with the group, and I was consistently stunned with the beautiful output. The scans just don’t do them justice (though Ansley’s insightful titles might), and hopefully one of these puppies will be honored with a spot on Grandma’s fridge someday.

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