Tribute In Light

Scan-130915-0010It started with a email from Sarah asking if I wanted to partake in a “mini photo expedition,” with the goal of photographing the 9/11 Tribute in Lights. Of course I was in, who did she take me for? Getting excited, I reminded her about my attempt last year, and cautioned against trying to photograph the lights with the Brooklyn Bridge in the foreground by crossing ON the Brooklyn Bridge…that wasn’t my smartest gameplan ever.

Her response was perfect “I don’t want the shot everyone gets. I want something different.”

More Tribute after the break… Continue reading

Tribute in Light

After a failed attempt the night before, the gang mobilized once again for a second pilgrimage to the Brooklyn Bridge to view the 9/11 Tribute in Light. In my head I had already predetermined the shot I wanted, not exactly the most original composition ever conceived, but one with the impressive bridge in the foreground and two pillars of light rising triumphantly behind. So I loaded my pack with more gear than necessary, for a refreshing change, and set off with purpose and determination. About half-way across I was suddenly stupefied with the utter absurdity of my logic, in order to achieve the shot I had envisioned I would have to be FAR away from bridge upon which I was currently strolling. Like, I need to be on the Manhattan Bridge far, and seeing as it was 11:30, that wasn’t happening. Deflated, I worked with what I could see from the bridge, and truth be told I think it pushed me to a more creative output. Plus, there’s always thisĀ  google search to quench my cliche thirst.

More images after the break… Continue reading