The Reason For The Season


A story of resurrection. No, not one with a bearded dude coming out of the ground for extra nights of partying, but rather a story of photographic redemption. It goes a little something like this…

There’s a poem after the break (how’s that for a tease?) Continue reading

Polaroid 110a Conversion

Polaroid 110a ConversionIt all started with this. I had never seen anything like, and I had to have it.

The seed was planted, I’d caught the bug, I was painfully coming to grips with the fact that I couldn’t escape purchasing yet another camera. The only problem was, that version was $850.

After pulling an all night research session, I discovered that with a little know how and the right disposition, one could make a beast like this for themselves. I reasoned with myself, this purchase was different, it’s a project; A DIY creation that means more than any of your other meaningless ebay snap-ups. Plus, I’ve always had a thing for bellows (yes, that was intentionally meant to creep you out.) So it was settled, and the auction prowling began. Biding my time like a seasoned veteran, I let unworthy listings pass with reckless abandon. I had done my research, I knew what I wanted and for how much I was going to get it. After three weeks of uncharacteristic patience, the deal was done, and a beautiful Polaroid Pathfinder 110a arrived at 7S. Cradling my new baby, it glistening in my arms with a renewed lease on life, I couldn’t help but think about how I was about to f**k that thing up…

Read on for more Polaroid conversion…

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