
If you’ve seen Rockaways Rewrite, you’ll know about Kris and his beard. What you don’t know is what took place after I took his portrait. The thing went viral. Ok not viral, but it was at least contagious.

More explanation and CONTACT after the break.
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Rockaways Rewrite


Four dudes, Paul Simon, and a Fiat 500. That winning combination came together for a day trip to the Rockaways, a spur of the moment expedition in search of sun and swell. Once there, our group discovered a cohort of wetsuit wrapped soul surfers, devoted individuals willing to brave freezing temperatures and a bitch of a current. Fighting the urge to join them (a task made harder with Dean’s optimism and a $25 all-in rental offer), our crew sought shelter on the boardwalk and settled in to watch the waves churn.

More Rockaways after the break. Continue reading