
41 minutes. That’s how long our GPS estimated it would take to get to the Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve. Problem was, it said 41 minutes every minute after passing Magic Mountain. Without technology or a concept of time, we looked at each other and wondered aloud if we’d made a massive mistake. Perhaps we took a wrong turn? What if we arrive to only patches of dirt? Who visits Lancaster anyway? Or, what if we hang in for five more minutes, round the corner, and stare down at a valley of glorious orange as far as the eye can see?

More poppy after the break. Continue reading

Contact | Meris


The instant I saw Meris with her blue blockers and furs, I knew I had to photograph her. I was on my morning commute, and it looked as if she was too, but I took the chance and asked her for a portrait. She couldn’t have been nicer, and didn’t mind my direction when I asked her to move infront of the brick backdrop. This was my first “field” portrait with the Contax 645, and in my excitement I forgot to recognize that the shutter was set to flash sync mode. I realized the mistake only after I had walked away, hoped that the frames weren’t overblow, and smiled so BIG when I saw the final result.

More CONTACT after the break… Continue reading