Contact | Ronne

contact2RonnieWhen I take someone’s photograph, I make a point to stop and chat with them. This wasn’t always the case. I started very much in the “run and gun” mindset, steal the photo with as little interaction as possible. But I realized that if I took the time to ask permission and introduce myself , I could get the exact photo I wanted while learning a little about the person in it. Whenever possible, I take down the subjects’ contact information so that I can share the results  with them. Though it may take days, weeks or even months, I love sending out images and waiting for a response. Most times it’s radio silence, I’m not sure if people don’t know how to respond or if they simply hate the photo, but every once and a while somebody writes back. CONTACT is a new segment on the blog dedicated to those rare responses…

More CONTACT after the break… Continue reading

Frenchie Friday | Washed Up

Frenchie_Friday_FinalWashed UpAfter a surprise visit to the vet this week, we returned home with the knowledge that young Oliver had contracted a rather unpleasant “anaerobic flagellated protozoan parasite.” I’ll spare everyone the boring details, but as I’ve been saying all along, this dog is full of shit. In spite of the off-putting name it’s apparently a pretty easy fix, with part of the recovery demanding daily bathings. While this might be a problem for more cautious canines, Oliver has always LOVED the water, so this week’s Frenchie fix focuses on the little man’s soft spot for soaking.

More Frenchie after the break… Continue reading