

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve passed Dusty. You can hear his music before you see him. A soulful riff floating along the outer edges of Washington Square Park. Sometimes it greets you in the morning, lifting you out of a sleepwalking stumble. Other times it meets you after a long day on the clock, a gentle reminder to enjoy what little day you have left. I can’t help but smile when I hear Dusty jamming, and I’ve been carrying around his portrait waiting for the perfect opportunity to pay him back.

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The Spencer Dunn Experience

On Saturday April, 14th, Spencer Dunn lit up Jan Popper theater like the Knux at Paddy Murphy. Playing in front of a raucous crowd complete with  blown-up bobble heads (thanks to Erik and Mike), Spence rattled off an hour of classics and originals alike. Ending with an impromptu rendition of Calvin Harris, incorporating the infamous “DOW” effect to the delight of the crowd, he left the stage amid a shower of roses. For those who thought Spencer Dunn was nothing more than your run-of-the-mill “Face Guy,” think again.

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