Frenchie Friday | Sleeping Beauty

Frenchie_Friday_FinalSleeping Beauty

With our boy Oli, there are only two modus operandi. Unstoppable terror or sleeping beauty. Here are glimpses of the latter, an incredibly rare sight for the occasional visitor, but a respite of tranquility for his owners.

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Frenchie Friday | Mommy and Me

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As any self-preserving boyfriend will tell you, behind every man there’s a great woman. And while I’d love to sit here and tell you I’m solely responsible for teaching the young pup all he knows, the same rings true for prince Oli. The momma is quite literally the reason we have a frenchie to come home too, but more importantly the reason that this frenchie has turned into such an adorable little creature.

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Frenchie Friday | Frenchie Face


To those dedicated followers, those individuals who religiously wait six days each week for Friday’s festivus of fabulous frenchie fun, it would be understandable to assume that young Oliver is incapable of taking an “un-cute” photo. I mean, have you seen the other Frenchie Friday posts? The dude is a bonafide stud. That being said, for every pink chair photoshoot and puppy park portrait, there is an equally heinous frenchie frown. Don’t get me wrong, what we have on our hands is a uniquely photogenic pup, but like the rest of us, he does have his moments.

More Frenchie Faces after the break… Continue reading

Afternoon Sun

Frenchie_Friday_FinalMoving from California to New York, I have come to realize that sunlight is something I have taken for granted. But every so often, in the waning moments of the late afternoon, friendly  rays slip into the apartment to creep across the floors of 7S. Oli seems to enjoy basking in the temporary glow, and I enjoy documenting his happiness.

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