A River Runs Through It

A river Runs Not one. Not two. Not three. Actually it is two. But who’s counting? Me that’s who. I’m no good at simple math, but that comes out to one ‘ship for each year I’ve called this city home. After a glorious 9-1 season capped by a loss-avenging finals victory, the crew decided a celebration was in order. Some champions get a parade, this bunch settled for ice cream.

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Now I’m Down In Brooklyn…

When it comes to NY, my experience has been limited to the shores of the island. Brooklyn only represented a Jay-Z reference, a land shrouded in myst, dripping in lore,  and populated by the mythical hipster. So when it came time to venture outside my burrow, I lugged along the camera and hoped to document the uncharted territory. Though the flea-market we visited ended up beingless market and more warehouse, the surrounding area proved to be a photographic paradise. Including an epic lunch at Diner, and a long walk down Atlantic “Antique” Ave, the day ended with a trip back to 20- something time Zagat rated steakhouse Peter Luger. I ain’t got no beef with that.

Pictures after the break…

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