Frenchie Friday | Pool, Park, Pounce

Frenchie_Friday_FinaltitleNow that Oliver is a part of the family, naturally he’s also part of the family trips. So for Fourth of July, we slapped on the service vest and hauled him along for a journey out west. Little did the the little guy know what type activities were in store, if he did he would have asked to come sooner

More Frenchie after the break… Continue reading

The 5th of July | “We Were There”

God Bless America. God Bless Fireworks. And God Bless Joey Chestnut. Yesterday, on the nations holiest of holy days, my wildest fantasy came to fruition. Amidst an savage crowd, fondly embraced by the fragrant flavors of a nations body odor, I had the honor of watching Joey “Jaws” Chestnut attempt to defend his illustrious Mustard Belt. Standing between him and everlasting mythical glory… 10 minutes and 62 perfectly plump porkers. Was I in the front row you ask? Not even remotely. Was it crowded you say? Like a Walmart on Christmas. It was better on TV? I cannot argue. Would I rather have been anywhere else? DEAR LORD NO. “We were there.”

Pictures after the break… Continue reading