Contact | Julian


contact2JulianJulian was a perfect scenario. I was out on my lunch break, Contax slung around my shoulder for company and trying to stay warm in the shadows. I turned a corner and there was Julian standing in this singular sliver of sun. He looked so regal with his cowboy hat and hand rolled cigarette (which he regrettably put away for the photo) that I had no choice but to ask for permission.

More CONTACT after the break…



My name is Graham Unterberger, I asked to take your portrait in New York about a month ago, and I wanted to share the final results with you. I think the image turned out AWESOME, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I think it has an incredibly timeless quality, it’s hard to tell if it was taken yesterday or 50 years ago!

Anyway, it was great meeting you, as well as finding another Contax and film lover. I hope you and your T2 got a little bit of bonding time on your vacation, and I hope to cross paths again sometime down the road.

Thanks again,


Re: New York Portrait

Hi Graham

Thanks for the photo.
You are right it is timeless. It’s amazing what a bit of sunshine can do.
Take care and happy shooting! Are you on Instagram etc?
Re: re New York Portrait
Hi Julian,
It’s always great to hear back, and your totally right, a little sunshine goes a long way!
Right now all my online photo stuff lives under one name “gwunterberger”, So on instagram I’m @gwunterberger, and tumblr same thing. I’d love to see any of your photos as well, it’s awesome to connect with other shooters and share work! Let me know where I can find you!

5 thoughts on “Contact | Julian

    • Thanks goes to good light, good clothes, and good film. That said, (and not to get all technical here) I’ve noticed a big shift in color on different monitors (my Macbook Air is the worst!) It’s more annoying than anything, and nothing I can really control, but it does makes me wonder how other people “see” the same photo

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