Frenchie Friday | Frenchie WIDEay

Frenchie_Friday_Finalbeach1Oliver is a city boy, but you’d never know it from the way he loves the beach! On our last trip home to California, we made sure to maximize sand time, and even brought a few weenies for some companionship. I had a few shots pre-visualized that I wanted try in the field, and had a blast making them happen with the Xpan. Looking back, it would have been nice to have had color film (how quickly I forget the beauty of west coast golden hour!) Then again the high speed black and white helped with pre-focusing, a factor not to be overlooked when you’re capturing a speeding French Weinerdog.

More Frenchie after the break.

King of the Seaweed!

Seaweed King

King of the Hobbit Feet!


Race to North End.


Tide pool exploring and ingesting.Beach3

Back home on time out, still thinking of freedom. Oliver2

4 thoughts on “Frenchie Friday | Frenchie WIDEay

  1. “Even though Oliver is a city boy, you’d never know it by the way he loves the beach!” H-mmmm…cuz his Dad is a beach guy but you’d never know it by the way he loves the city!” Great shots! I love Zorro and Oliver chasing on the beach!

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