Santa Cruzin

Santa CruzinA few weekends ago, we had the pleasure of returning to Seabright Ave, a trip not traveled enough in recent memory. It was amazing to spend a relaxing (if not short) weekend at Grandma’s, mostly spent lounging in the backyard, but sprinkled with necessary visits to such classics as the Boardwalk Bridge, Seabright Whale, and of course the Wharf. Being the weirdo that I am, I agonized about what gear to bring before making the trip, and at the last moment called an audible and threw my newly converted Polaroid 110a into the bag. I’m so happy I did, it was awesome to be able to shoot and share with the group, and I was consistently stunned with the beautiful output. The scans just don’t do them justice (though Ansley’s insightful titles might), and hopefully one of these puppies will be honored with a spot on Grandma’s fridge someday.

More images after the break…

"Sweet Tea Pecan Pie" and "Good Ol' Fashion Nightmare"“Sweet Tea Peacan Pie” and “Good Ol’ Fashion Nightmare”

“Happy Zebra Tongue Times” and “The Don Mother”

“Is Tabitha Cheating Again?'”

“Wanna Hear A Dirty Word?” and “Train…’Nuther Train!”

“Ci-Ci-Ci Butterfly Lips” and “New Zealand Clam Chowder”


“Pink Swan” and “En Vogue”

6 thoughts on “Santa Cruzin

  1. Great post Graham. The quality and color of the images that you are taking with the camera are stunning!! I love the proportions of the paper as well. Amazing per usual.

    • Robly, you have to see the actual positives. The color is amazing, especially the greens. And the way the lens draws, its sharp, but at the same time soft with tons of character. I seriously dig it

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