Contact | Andre

contact2AndreAndre was one of those portraits that happen by chance. I was at the end of a long day shooting and had decided to take the subway home and rest my dogs. Thinking about anything but photography, I arrived at my station and there was this guy, just posted up looking like a badass. I walked up and told him so, then politely asked for his portrait. He agreed, but mentioned he was waiting for his girl so please make it quick. Needless to say, dude knows how to make an impression.

More Contact after the break…

Hey Andre,

We met a few weeks back in the Subway by 4th st. where you were waiting for your girl and I asked to take your portrait. I wanted to share the results with you, as I think it turned out awesome. The leather jacket/Linus bike combo looks bad ass, in fact I the whole photo has a very vintage feel to it.  Anyway, I hope you enjoy the photo as much as I do, and thanks again for letting me take it.


Re: Subway Portrait

Hey Graham,
Thanks so much for sharing this with me.  I think it looks great!  You’ve got skills man.  I hope all is very well and perhaps I’ll see u again soon.  Thanks again man!


Re: Re: Subway Portrait


You’re very welcome! Thank you for putting up with me taking your photo, and for the kind words. It’s awesome to hear back when people are happy with the results, it really means a lot.
See you around,

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