
I don’t often take selfies. But when I do, I get married shortly thereafter. Six months have passed since I took this photo and the emotions are still there. In fact, I had to stop writing this post just to sit in memories (which was a bit awkward as I’m currently on a plane filled with 300 of my closest friends). Now, we’ve all seen the beautiful work that Jean-Laurent captured, so I won’t try to reproduce what some have deemed “the most photographed wedding ever.” What I will do is share the few frames I managed to capture that day, and the thoughts that went through my mind. Hope you enjoy them as much as I still do.

More after the break.

Turns out you can’t sleep the night before your wedding. So, I was up early greeting friends and family as they rolled in. We posted up in the TV viewing area then headed out to B-Dubs (that’s Buffalo Wild Wings for the layman out there) for my last meal as a single man.

It was a short drive to Park Winters, and long wait for the festivities to begin. We did a little practice run of the ceremony, complete with  drone footage, then retired to the tower to get ready. While a quaint space to be sure, it wasn’t the easiest spot for six dudes, two significant others, and one Reverend to get ready. But we managed.


I snagged a gaggle of matching rangefinders as a thank you for everyone who showed up. Let’s be clear, this was partially a gift out the goodness of my own heart, and more partially a way for us to look badass. Needless to say we we looked hot as shit. Not having AC also played a factor.

One (or two) whisky toasts later and I found myself alone preparing for the big dance. About to head out the door, Dad whips around the corner. “OK, are you ready?” I smile, and he gives me a huge hug. “I’m proud of you,” he says, and we both start to cry. “Oh man, I’m toast,” and with those famous last words I made the best decision of life.

2 thoughts on “10.08.16

  1. This is a great one!! Made me tear up. Love the photos.


    On Sat, Apr 8, 2017 at 9:42 PM, [gwu] Graham Whitaker Unterberger wrote:

    > gwunterberger posted: ” I don’t often take selfies. But when I do, I get > married shortly thereafter. Six months have passed since I took this photo, > and the emotions are still there. In fact, I had to stop writing this post > a few times just to sit in memories (which was a bi” >

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