Contact | Ronne

contact2RonnieWhen I take someone’s photograph, I make a point to stop and chat with them. This wasn’t always the case. I started very much in the “run and gun” mindset, steal the photo with as little interaction as possible. But I realized that if I took the time to ask permission and introduce myself , I could get the exact photo I wanted while learning a little about the person in it. Whenever possible, I take down the subjects’ contact information so that I can share the results  with them. Though it may take days, weeks or even months, I love sending out images and waiting for a response. Most times it’s radio silence, I’m not sure if people don’t know how to respond or if they simply hate the photo, but every once and a while somebody writes back. CONTACT is a new segment on the blog dedicated to those rare responses…

More CONTACT after the break…RonnieSubject: Washington Square Portrait

Hey Ronnie,

My name is Graham and a few weeks back we met in Washington Square park. You were nice enough to let me take a few photos, and it was awesome to meet you and chat a bit about your life, the history of the park, and your endless movie downloading hobby!

I finally developed my film this weekend, and as promised, wanted to share the results with you. I love the way your shot came out, the happy expression on your face, and the way that it looks like you are literally glowing with the sun that you are soaking up. I also managed to find your entry on HONY that we were talking about (you can view it here,) and while I can’t guarantee 4,700+ comments, I hope you like my version nonetheless.

It was great meeting you, and I’m sure we will cross paths in the park again,

Re: Washington Square Portrait
just got the pic you took   thanks alot   i will say it did come out really well ur a good photo taker
ill be going there daily  as longas weather holds out  thanks again  was really nice of you  
have a great day and stay serene

3 thoughts on “Contact | Ronne

  1. Very cool photo. Almost looks infra-red! So great that he responded. Your photo forays will be so much richer as you spend time talking to your subjects. Thanks for sharing. Hugs.

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