Frenchie Friday | The Gangs All Here

Frenchie_Friday_FinalThe Gangs All Here

I may upset some traditionalists with this one, but let’s be clear, there were other dudes (and dudettes) in the picture before this little dude.

More Family after the break…

The Foggus


Wompy (notice the drool on the top window pain, perfect)




Her Fatness


And last but not least, the weenie boy


5 thoughts on “Frenchie Friday | The Gangs All Here

  1. Love the elegant shot of Zorro! Man, that Oliver is one handsome boy in the last photo!! When you ask him real nice he always strikes a pose….

  2. Now we gotta see some Stellouise pictures. Don’t want the girls to get their panties in a bunch!
    Love these pictures, though I’d kinda parcel…

  3. Don’t let Oliver see this weeks blog post! Have you broken it to him that there have been others before him! And that they are still in your life?

    No worries about Stellouise getting their panties in a bunch. Don’t tell Zorro or Chester but they don’t even wear panties! (Sorry Graham)

    Chester is going to miss his window seat! But I bet he’s going to find an amazing new spot to soak up the sun in the living room!

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