Frenchie Friday | Tepid Traveler

     Frenchie_Friday_FinalTepid TravelerThere has been a lot of migration these last couple weeks, and poor Oliver is always left behind to hold down the fort. If you think he doesn’t voice his opinion about the matter, think again.

More Frenchie after the break…Scan-130210-0033Scan-120909-0009Scan-130210-0028Scan-120909-0002Scan-120917-0010

6 thoughts on “Frenchie Friday | Tepid Traveler

  1. I love this blog!! No matter what kind of a week I have had I can always count on Frenchie Friday to make me smile. Damn fine dog, amazing parents. Much love!

  2. Aw….a case of SSS (Suitcase Sadness Syndrome). You’ve totally captured ‘Ver’s feelings – love the last pic with the Northface bag and Oliver ‘owning’ the carry on (with the tag) in the foreground.

  3. Someone needs a cuddle? I too love the last picture! I love the moodiness of the lights but the “light” subject. I miss you all so much.

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