Frenchie Friday | Sleeping Beauty

Frenchie_Friday_FinalSleeping Beauty

With our boy Oli, there are only two modus operandi. Unstoppable terror or sleeping beauty. Here are glimpses of the latter, an incredibly rare sight for the occasional visitor, but a respite of tranquility for his owners.

More Frenchie after the break.


8 thoughts on “Frenchie Friday | Sleeping Beauty

  1. Frenchie Thursday is back (West Coast time)!

    This is the Ollie I will be babysitting, right? Or should I plan to bring my Ambien? (He does look very sweet when he’s asleep!)

    And look at him showoff his patience as he hopes that GrammaTabi will drop some pie dough!

    Great shots as always.

  2. What a little bug. I caught a rare glimpse of this one night and it was magical. My favorite is the shot of just his little leggies .He’s Such an awkward sleeper.

  3. OMG! He is so cute sleeping! Love the backward leg thing just like the doxies. I have to admit something, when I saw the last picture of you, Graham, standing in the kitchen I thought it was ME and MY legs. Let me just say that those nice strong slightly bowed legs look much MUCH better on you!!!

  4. Oh NOOOOOOO! I just read everyone’s reply and to my horror and great amusement I realized those ARE MY LEGS!!!
    I’m laughing so hard I’m crying!!! Damn.

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