Frenchie Friday | The Daily Routine

Frenchie_Friday_FinaltitleYou may think that life with young Oliver is all rainbows and unicorns. Well for the most part it is, but like every little bundle of joy, there also exists a daily routine of the rambunctious variety.

More Frenchie after the break…

There are places in the apartment that Oliver cannot enter without adult supervision. Too many bad realities, too many worse possibilities. So he knows now what’s up, and normally complies by waiting patiently behind this barriers. Scan-121202-0006Scan-121209-0004

But eventually he relinquishes his post, and always manages to point his nose toward trouble


Which gets the parents to come over


Which puts his tiny tush in time outScan-121209-0020

Which sets the whole dance in motion again…

5 thoughts on “Frenchie Friday | The Daily Routine

  1. His reverse cross eyes kill me. I also love how he fearlessly puts his face right by the razor sharp paper cutter. That young bug kills me

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