Frenchie Friday | Fly Away With Me

Frenchie_Friday_FinalFly Away With Me

I think the title says it all this week, Fly Frenchie Fly!

More images after the break…AZ2C6521AZ2C6663

Floating in SpaceAZ2C1834

My personal favoriteAZ2C6529

And two from his recent beach trip, one on severely expired Kodak Gold film and one courtesy of Rob Elliott (you can watch his video of Ollie on the beach here)


9 thoughts on “Frenchie Friday | Fly Away With Me

    • Lauren is actually participating, she would throw the toy and because his water dish was in the way, he would just instinctively jump over it. For some reason he just liked to do it REALLY high, and I just shot away until everything lined up right!

      • I did notice the placement of the water dish and the water on the floor around the bowl and wondered if they played a part in deterring him up/over the obstacles. Lauren obviously did a stellar job of quickly returning to a ‘look of leisure’ state on the sofa, too!

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