Frenchie Friday | Watch the Throne

Frenchie_Friday_FinalWatch the Throne

Good things come to those who wait. My present to those diehard (read Ansley) Frenchie Friday followers, a truly beauteous belated bulldog blurb.

More Frenchie after the break…


7 thoughts on “Frenchie Friday | Watch the Throne

  1. Case in point as to why I thought I was never cut out to be the Mom to a son. I, too, would have dressed HIM (a human male child) up in bows and put HIM on a pink chair for portraits! Ansley’s fav pic is my fav, too. Oliver looks ashamed to be wearing that bow. He’s only doing it to please his parents…but in his heart he KNOWS it’s wrong. Are you going to make him wear it all thu the holidays? What if celebrates Hanukkah and not Christmas?

    All kidding aside, Oliver looks adorable and they are great shots. And for the record, I am diehard, too!

    • Unfortunately for Oliver, I foresee many more pink chair photoshoots. Fortunately for us, I foresee many more pink chair photoshoots! PS I thought I would get in hot water for the diehard call out!

  2. hahaha! no worries as mother of a boy let me just say that they grow up GREAT in spite of the crap you make ’em do. Right Grahamy??? Oliver is adorable regardless, OK, I will concede that he is the cutest thing in that bow…

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