I Am Thankful For…

Oh what a Thanksgiving it was! In fact, the holiday was so EPIC that I have been forced to break up the festivus into two separate blog posts, with the version you are now reading chronicling the feast itself. After days of preparation and supply gathering, the women descended on 7S the morning of the 22nd with a unified goal. With each minding her own specialty, a bounteous banquet was hand crafted around a 19-pound poultry centerpiece. At the stroke of 4pm, the clan enlisted a taxicab caravan down to 79 Crosby street, a dangerous voyage no doubt, but one that would be rewarded with spoils, spaciousness, and salaciousness…well not really that last part, that would be weird.

More story and images after the break…

Mamma bird made sure that we had something to satisfy the collective sweet tooth…

And Rob made sure to tape down the wine, with this group you never know…

The pilgrimage to the Crosby provided a space to stretch our legs…and to take FREAKING AWESOME FAMILY PORTRAITS Before you take a look at any more of the photos, do yourself a favor and go back through each of these photos, there are so many hidden gems (think Groucho Marx eyebrows)

Oliver was less than amused with the shenanigans

And Lauren was starting to get hungry…

So we gathered round the table to enjoy a mighty meal…

And naturally, I took Ansley pregnant belly photos afterwards…

Want to see more? You’re goddam right you do. Continue to part two here

2 thoughts on “I Am Thankful For…

  1. Pingback: I Am Thankful For…Part Duex | [gwu] Graham Whitaker Unterberger

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