This Square’s in Love

Thanks to the generosity of a pair of Elliotts, I finally took the dive into medium format. Oh, I had been wanting to plunge for a while now, but lack of a camera and technology to view the photos were a wee bit of a barrier. Enter Sarah and Rob, one graciously lent me her beautiful Hasselblad while the other passed down a scanner capable of archiving the larger negatives. So there went all the excuses, and over the weekend I was able to shoot and process my first real 120 roll. In the interest of honesty, I had one hell of a time learning to master focus and composition with the Swedish shooter, and though I am very much a work in progress I have started to feel more comfortable and am SERIOUSLY TOTALLY FREAKING EXCITED about the possibilities. I mean, the square format alone is love at first sight, but it’s the detail and awesome depth of field that have me drooling. I mean know I’m insane, but I probably trolled eBay for an ungodly amount of time today looking at medium format rigs for my own, and this was only my first roll! Well they say the first step is admitting you have a problem right?

More images after the break…Some test shots on the street shot wide openAnd my wiggly, if not willing, obligatory photo model Oliver

7 thoughts on “This Square’s in Love

  1. “My name is Graham and I am a cameraholic”

    i love the last two pics. wow, you’re right….amazing depth of field!

    (ps….was that camera dusty?)

  2. Dude, I love them too! How much does the Hasselblad rock?! I think the scans are amazing for being done on a flatbed! They look perfect to me. Did you have to photoshop out dust or scratches after you scanned them, or were they pretty clean?

    • Not many scratches because I try to scan soon after they are dry, but definitely had to spend some time on dust removal. Aperture makes it pretty easy though, and even if you miss a few when they are shurnk down on a computer its hard to nit pick

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