Cars, Coffee, and Ferrets…

Ya I was jetlagged, ya it was early, but ya you’re damn right I rallied just 4 hours after touching down in LA to head over to Irvine Spectrum to check out the monthly car show with Robly in tow. The goods were out on display, and the variety of mufflers and mullets was gosh darn impressive. Sure there were Ferraris, Maseratis, Lamborghinis, and Teeny Weenies, but it was the revamped classics that stole my heart. Despite the candy apple reds and fluorescent greens, I couldn’t help myself from seeing in black and white, highlighting vintage lines to place these automotive classics back in the era in which they belong. Oh ya, and there was a f***ing ferret…how’s that for a hook.

More images after the break…Rocket Ship

Sweet license plate dudeAnd you thought the ferret was just a gimmick

6 thoughts on “Cars, Coffee, and Ferrets…

  1. Wow, the images are stunning. I love the black and white. It would be great to print 3 or 4 of these and frame them. Stunningly sharp! Thanks for going….sorry I doubted your resolve!

    • Like I said, it’s love hate with the Fuji, but when it all comes together the results are awesome. And stop apologizing, if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have rallied in the first place

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