Lions and Tigers and Bears…

A sign reads “Once, bears, lions, monkeys, macaws, goats, elephants, reptiles, and turtles, among others, lived here and the sounds of their growls, roars, calls, and clamor filled this canyon. Although these historic enclosures are no longer appropriate for housing animals, they can be home to memories…” Truly a memory of a bygone era, the “Old Zoo” juxtaposes cramped bare metal cages,  looming bear caverns, and concealed concrete enclosures. As I walked through the abandoned relic at dusk, I found myself imagining the animals that used to call this place home, and the eerie stillness filling the gully did wonders to enhance the mood. Slipping through the fence to explore the neglected cages, I was amazed that these barbaric confines were once the modern standard, as I felt cramped and just couldn’t imagine how a 700lb polar bear would manage. It was an awesome experience to finally visit this LA secret, and I hope the photos capture some its character.

More images after the break…

5 thoughts on “Lions and Tigers and Bears…

  1. wow….didn’t know this even existed. very cool that they didn’t tear it down because it is truly a relic of a bygone era. so i have to ask…where you just a wee bit scared in there?

  2. What a great series of images! Feels more like an old prison than a zoo. Makes you feel so sorry for the animals that “did time” there. Nice job Graham.

  3. I’m surprised you didn’t run into some crackheads. As a mom I wanted to shout , BE CAREFUL, GRAHAM!!! Very moody images though. Do you think they used these cages in some movie? Seems like someone must have scooted them out already.

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