The Dawg Days are Over

It’s the end of an era. No more Hotel Decca. No more Wilshire exits. And sadly, no more Gold MVP. In a jam packed June filled with three separate graduations, UW played host to the first leg of the journey, with family descending upon Seattle to celebrate the awesomeness that is Lauren. After barely enduring a marathon ceremony (survival credited to an audible hotdog break at hour 3), the gang returned to an EPIC rooftop shindig crafted by Leslie along with the always excellent Rob Elliott signature compilation video. In short, the parents eloquently summed up the sentiment best “Here’s to financial independence!” and “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.” Inspiring stuff.

More images after the break…Then excitement turned to…

Waiting for our graduate…


5 thoughts on “The Dawg Days are Over

  1. Awwww! While the DAWG DAYS era may be over, the NY NIGHTS era have only just begun! Loved reliving the “awesomeness that is Lauren” thru your images. Now looking forward to the awesomeness that is Graham and the awesomeness that is Ansley! XO

  2. LOVE IT! My feet are still sore from all the walking in high heels but it was totally worth it. Now, you have done it, I NEED to see more, more, more!!! I wanna see pictures from your graduation and from Ansley’s. Miss you so.

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