Land of the Rising Sun: Day 4

Day 4 is in the books, and with 5 more photos to share. Today was less prolific of a photo day, but nonetheless I managed snagged some goodies. On the trip I’ve really been trying to work on getting closer to what I am shooting, getting over that fear and jumping into/moving within the space of the subject. Its not easy, but the language barrier helps, as I often smile and play dumb, which serves to placate any judo-chop retaliations. Despite the initial awkwardness, it really pays off, and I find it easier do the more I commit. I’ve also been enjoying taking portraits, but this is a work in progress, as seen by the missed focus in the title image. It can only get better…

More images after the breakA business man walks down an back-alley in the heart of the red-light districtThe Woman in RedKite museum curatorA man rides the elegant escalator in a department store

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