Land of the Rising Sun: Day 3

Photography is an amazing thing. I was so close to going to bed, I had picked out my five images for the day, and I was welcoming the thought of diving into the sheets. But as I prayed before the automatic toilet, admiring my nightly offering to the porcelain god, I realized that I had picked the wrong 5. It wasn’t that the images were poor, it was that I had picked poorly, and had done so based on what I thought other people might “like” or deem “good photography.” So I went back through the 300+ files from today, discarded the cliched masses that I initially came up with, and really tried to find those images that I found appealing. Granted, they all might look like crap to you (and you are more than welcome to your opinion…even if it’s wrong), but to me I am happy that I went back. Photography is an amazing thing.

PS: I cheated in today’s 5, as the title picture makes six (but I liked them so damn much I thought what the hell)

More images after the break…A man prunes his garden in a small alleyOld and New

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